Trying to implicate society by creating agreements for protection of the territory and promoting scientific, social, cultural, economic, ethnographic and environmental initiatives.
We dream of converting the marshes into a living territory, that recuperates its socio-ecosystemic role and bestows goods and services on twenty first century society.
We strive to improve society’s environmental quality and wellbeing by promoting biodiversity. We yearn to recuperate the pride of the marshman, the salt worker and empowering local people.
Salarte’s top strategic objective is the recuperation, conservation and holistic revitalization of all salt marshes and especially artisanal salt marshes.
On top of strengthening the biodiversity and improving the ecological functionality of these currently abandoned territories, we look to generate a number of benefits related to the creation of income, wealth and employment based on endogenous resources.
Salarte was the first NGO to be authorised by the Andalusian Government to manage a Natural Reserve Zone in Andalucia.
Between 2014 and 2016 Salarte managed the former “La Covacha” Saltpan, in the Trocadero Island Natural Area as a marine biodiversity and aquatic reserve, en el Paraje Natural Isla del Trocadero, y desde 2016 hasta 2019 ha gestionado mediante un acuerdo de custodia con CUPIMAR, la antigua
Our objectives were:
In 2015 Salarte planned, designed, promoted and coordinated the Project “Restoration of the natural environment and hydro-dinamic recovery of a deteriorated area (“San Jose del Puerto” Salt Marsh) to foment biodiversity and environmental education”
This innovative initiative was driven by Salarte, financing the project creation and attaining the public funds necessary for its execution by the Andalusian Government with European funds.
From February 1st 2016 until midway through 2019, Salarte took charge of the total management of the old “El Consulado” Saltpan. a strictly protected area (Natural Area, Reserve Zone, Nature 2000 Protected Area Network, RAMSAR site, and Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC)) which had been
Amongst the numerous collaboration projects that Salarte is involved in with International organizations, since 2018 they run the project“Overarching activities addressing Wetland Conservation in the Mediterranean Region: Saltpan Initiative”, financed by MAVA Foundation and BirdLife International.
Salarte also collaborates with the Natural Reserve Codo de La Esparraguera and oversees interventions in the Manego Estuaries (Trebujena Municipality, Cádiz), aquatic farms that are home to numerous wild species such as archibebes, fochas morunas, ánades azulones, canasteras, zampullines o cercetas pardillas, striving for a recuperation in their numbers.
We participate as an associated member of the project MedArtSal – sustainable management of Mediterranean artisanal salt marshes – a project born to promote the sustainable management of Libian, Tunisian, Italian and Spanish artisanal salt marshes, and that has amongst its members the Comité Español de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza –IUCN (the Spanish Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature) with offices in Málaga and Cádiz University.
Despite being
Salarte hopes to instil in citizens a sense of responsibility in managing their coastal areas and to reproduce the management model of land stewardship of living territoiries.
The support of environmental experts, technicians and administration is key to consolidating this model and continuing to work towards our common objective:
Salarte’s work has been frequently recognised by the public administration and environmental renowed entities:
Privacy policy and legal note
Fund for the Stewardship and Recovery of the Salt Marsh (Salarte)
Molino de Mareas El Caño. C/ Francisco Cossi Ochoa, s/n. 11.500 El Puerto de Santa María, (Cádiz). C.I.F. G91991950.
Registered in the Registro de Asociaciones de Andalucía with nº 10.226 – Section 1. And in the Registro Andaluz de Entidades de Voluntariado with number 2804.